Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme (KCCP)

What we do

Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme (KCCP) evolved as a result of locals wishing to stop the sale of heroin in the area in 1990’s. Local community activists lobbied and successfully obtained a drug clinic and community based aftercare project. Originally called Kilbarrack After Care Community Programme its name was changed in 2001. Since then it has expanded to provide a wide range of services to the local community and currently employs 43 people. In addition to the three structured programmes KCCP also offers free confidential counselling to all the community.


Community Hall, Greendale Road, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5


Entry Requirements

These differ depending on the programme offered. Please contact KCCP for further details.

Contact Details

Manager Marian Clarke
Phone 01 832 4516

Other Contacts

Rehabilitation Manager Jenny Meyer

Community Employment Supervisor Jenny Kenny

Youth Workers Lisa Dowling, team leader 

Reach out Manger Tiernan Williams

Family Support Coordinator Brenda Brown 

Other Information

Drugs and Alcohol Recovery Programme

KCCP’s structured rehabilitation programme is a community based aftercare project providing education training, personal development counselling and support enabling participants to meet the challenges involved in recovery from problematic drug and alcohol use.

The rehabilitation programme aims to meet individual needs. Individual programme plans are designed with each participant to help identify and achieve their goals. KCCP recognizes that recovery from drugs and alcohol misuse requires a creative diverse approach and to this end works in conjunction with other statutory voluntary and community bodies.

The recovery programme is based on the Department of Social protection Community Employment (CE) programme all the normal eligibility criteria for participation on CE schemes apply with the exception of the age restriction and persons over 18 years of age can apply.

Reach Out Youth Programme

The programme is aimed at the 18 to 25 years age group and targets young people experiencing problems with cannabis and alcohol. Normal eligibility criteria for participation on CE apply.

Family Support

KCCP recognizes that drug/alcohol use affects the whole family and community. The Family Support Group was established to offer formal and informal support to family members affected by drug and alcohol misuse. Experienced staff are available to provide information, advice and support. Drugs awareness and other courses are organised. Counselling and acupuncture are available on request. KCCP Family Support Group meets every Wednesday at 8pm.

Youth Matters

Youth Matters is a programme for young people aged 9-21 years of age and is committed to providing young people with a range of stimulating and varied activities presenting a drug free model of socialization. Age appropriate games and informal life skills teaching are an integral part of the programme. Activities include summer projects, trips away, fun days, talent contests, Halloween fireworks and Halloween and Christmas parties and much more.

We offer a safe environment and provide help and support to just ‘be yourself’. Counselling and play therapy are also available for young people free of charge (with parental consent).

Other Services:

Counselling & Referral Service – KCCP offers a counselling and referral service, open to everybody in the Kilbarrack community. A variety of counselling approaches are used to deal with a range of issues including anxiety, depression, trauma and addiction. A referral service to HSE and other organisations is also provided. For further details contact Jenny Meyer 01-8324516

Parent & Toddler Group – KCCP runs a Parent and Toddler Group every Thursday between 10.30am – 12.30pm, in conjunction with the Northside Partnership and supported by the Dublin North East Drugs and Alcohol Task Force. The group offers support and development play with children between 0 and 4 years. Open to all Parents and Toddlers in the Kilbarrack area. For further details contact Marian 01-8324516

Substance Abuse Services Specific to Youth – KCCP have linked in with Substance Abuse Services Specific to Youth (SASSY) for them to provide assessments, counselling, family therapy and other appropriate interventions for adolescent drug users (under 18 years of age). This service is provided on Monday afternoons. For further details please contact Jennifer Kenny 01-8324516.

KCCP is also involved in campaigning to have our funding restored to pre-cutback levels and are also seeking capitial funding for the building of a proper community facility to house the range of our services.

Ode to Bansky

KCCP has produced a video – ‘Ode to Bansky’ which highlights the fact that Kilbarrack does not have a children’s playground or a safe area where children can play.

Darndale Belcamp Village Centre
The Link Road,
Dublin 17
D17 N528
