
About Us

Dublin North East Drugs & Alcohol Task Force is one of twenty four drugs task forces nationwide. The task forces were developed to combat the threat from problem drug use throughout the country.

They are made up of statutory, voluntary, community and public representatives who work in partnership to provide and maintain a system of supports and services for individuals, families and communities through which existing and future problem drug use is prevented, reduced and managed.

The DNE LDATF is a company limited by guarantee and is a registered charity.

2023 Task Force Members

John LyonsCommunityjohn.lyons31@gmail.com
Marian ClarkeKCCPinfo@kccp.ie
Helen NolanPACEhelen.nolan@paceorganisation.ie
Aileen Maloneaileendub@gmail.com
Javier De Las Herasjavier.delasheras@coolminetc.ie
John McCuskerChairpersonchair@dnetaskforce.ie
Dermot GoughDales Centredermot@thedalescentre.ie
Arthur O’ DonnellCommunityartphil66@gmail.com
Cllr Tommy BroughanCouncillorthomaspbroughan@gmail.com
Geoff CorcoranMQIgeoffrey.corcoran@mqi.ie
Bernie McDonnellCommunitybernadettemcdonnell@yahoo.ie
Rosemary CroninProbationracronin@probation.ie
John Paul Collinsjohnpaul.collins@pavee.ie
Richie ByrneAn Garda Siochanarichard.a.bryne@garda.ie
Ronan M BarryAn Garda SiochanaRonan.M.Barry@Garda.ie
Colm HealyCommunitycolumbahealy@gmail.com
Miarian KennyCDETBmairin.kenny@aes.cdetb.ie
Karen ReidHSEkaren.reid@hse.ie
Lorraine Stewartlstewart@dyp.ie
Pamela Meatespamela.meates@nspartnership.ie
Nuala Shellynuala.m.shelly@gmail.com

Darndale Belcamp Village Centre
The Link Road,
Dublin 17
D17 N528
