About Us
Dublin North East Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force (DNELDATF) was first established in 1997 as part of the Government’s response to the serious opiate drug issues that had arisen in Ireland, particually in inner city areas of Dublin. In 2013, alcohol was added to the responsibilities of the Task Forces, including DNELDATF.
The DNELDATF catchment comprises a population of 158,862 people, of which 3.4% are in the ‘extremely disadvantaged’ categories of the HP Pobal Deprivation Index analysis.
Dublin North East Drugs & Alcohol Task Force is one of twenty four drugs task forces nationwide. The task forces were developed to combat the threat from problem drug use throughout the country.
They are made up of statutory, voluntary, community and public representatives who work in partnership to provide and maintain a system of supports and services for individuals, families and communities through which existing and future problem drug use is prevented, reduced and managed.
The DNE LDATF is a company limited by guarantee and is a registered charity.

Task Force Members
NAME | |
Aileen Malone | aileendub@gmail.com |
Arthur O’ Donnell | artphil66@gmail.com |
Bernie McDonnell | bernadettemcdonnell@yahoo.ie |
Colm Healy | columbahealy@gmail.com |
Dermot Gough | dermot@thedalescentre.ie |
John McCusker | chair@dnetaskforce.ie |
Dermot Gough | dermot@thedalescentre.ie |
Helen Nolan | helen.nolan@paceorganisation.ie |
Javier De Las Heras | javier.delasheras@coolminetc.ie |
John Lyons | john.lyons31@gmail.com |
John McCusker | chair@dnetaskforce.ie |
John Paul Collins | johnpaul.collins@pavee.ie |
Karen Reid | karen.reid@hse.ie |
Lorraine Stewart | lstewart@dyp.ie |
Marian Clarke | info@kccp.ie |
Máirín Kenny | mairin.kenny@aes.cdetb.ie |
Nuala Shelly | nuala.m.shelly@gmail.com |
Pamela Meates | pamela.meates@nspartnership.ie |
Richie Byrne | richard.a.bryne@garda.ie |
Ronan M Barry | Ronan.M.Barry@Garda.ie |
Rosemary Cronin | racronin@probation.ie |
Tommy Broughan | thomaspbroughan@gmail.com |
Task Force Staff
NAME | |
Paul Duff (Coordinator) | coordinator@dnetaskforce.ie |
Rachel Clarke (Family Support) | rclarke@dyp.ie |
Stephani Anghinoni (Finance & Admin) | office@dnetaskforce.ie |
Vanessa Hoare (Prevention & Education) | vanessa@dnetaskforce.ie |